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Market-specific Solutions > Industrial Gases

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Industrial Gases

Air Separation Industry

ShenGu Group  has been producing compressors for the air separation industry since 1983, and has developed solutions for oxygen throughputs from smaller 10,000-40,000 Nm3/h integrally-geared units, through to single-shaft centrifugal compressors, two-section machines, and combined axial and centrifugal solutions, with oxygen throughputs of up to 100,000-150,000 Nm3/h.

Completed Projects

Project 1 - 42,000 Nm3/h air separation compressor unit for Xinjiang Guotai

Project 2 - 63,000 Nm3/h air separation compressor unit for Qitaihe Baotailong

Project 3 - 100,000 Nm3/h air separation compressor unit for Shenhua Ning coal


From oil extraction, through to refining and on to fine chemicals, ShenGu Group has kept abreast of latest developments in the petrochemical industry. 


Providing integrated solutions for gas gathering, transportation and storage.


Key rotating equipment for the downstream chemicals industry, ShenGu Group is a leading supplier of equipment and services for the natural gas sector, and is the leading supplier to the Chinese market.

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Industrial Gases

ShenGu Group  has been producing compressors for the air separation industry since 1983.

Power Generation

ShenGu Group  is able to supply the  FDF, IDF, PA fan and boiler feed water pump, condensate pump, circulating pump for 300-1000 MW thermal power unit. 

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